



ARCHIGRAM #efekkuliah

Friday, May 03, 2013 § 0

apa itu archigram?

Archigram was an avant-garde architectural group formed in the 1960s - based at the Architectural AssociationLondon - that was futurist, anti-heroic and pro-consumerist, drawing inspiration from technology in order to create a new reality that was solely expressed through hypothetical projects. The main members of the group were Peter CookWarren Chalk,Ron HerronDennis CromptonMichael Webb and David Greene. Designer Theo Crosby was the "hidden hand" behind the group. He gave them coverage in Architectural Designmagazine (where he was an editor from 1953–62), brought them to the attention of the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London, where, in 1963, they mounted an exhibition calledLiving Cities,and in 1964 brought them into the Taylor Woodrow Design Group, which he headed, to take on experimental projects.The pamphlet Archigram I was printed in 1961 to proclaim their ideas. Committed to a 'high tech', light weight, infra-structural approach that was focused towards survival technology, the group experimented with modular technology, mobility through the environment, space capsules and mass-consumer imagery. Their works offered a seductive vision of a glamorous future machine age; however, social and environmental issues were left unaddressed.
Archigram agitated to prevent modernism from becoming a sterile and safe orthodoxy by its adherents. Unlike ephemeralisation from Buckminster Fuller which assumes more must be done with less material (because material is finite), Archigram relies on a future of interminable resources.

like what??

yellow posternya itu loh! cant be more lovable than those posters~

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