



(end) of february

Thursday, February 28, 2013 § 0

We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.

+ saya sih pengennya changing bad habbit -_- edan coy sahabatan ama deadline
harusnya musuhan,
jadi tugas tu kelar sebelum deadline
yayayyaya....perubahan itu sendiri yang bikin sesuatu (kadang) lebih baik
sampai titik limit. fight to the final edge.

asti makin random?
yasudahlah...itu tujuan ada blog ini
im not charming, (maybe) not
but i could see your eyes focus on me while we had a discuss *eh

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You are currently reading (end) of february at +ASTUNGKARA.


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