




Saturday, December 31, 2011 § 0

just play

Taurus keywords: Gregariousness, stubborness, kindliness, acquisitiveness, graspingness, affectionateness, creativity, materialism, stability, cautiousness, enduringness.

suka berteman, keras kepala, kebaikan, akuisitif, menggenggam,kasih sayang, kreativitas, materialisme, stabilitas, kehati-hatian, abadi.

 Zodiac Symbol > Bull
Duration (Tropical,Western) > 20 April – 21 May (2011, UTC)
Zodiac Element  > Earth
Zodiac Quality > Fixed
Sign ruler > Venus
Detriment > Mars
Exaltation > Moon
Fall > none

Taurus has been seasonally associated with the flourish of spring, when the Earth is green and fresh. Because the season has settled, astrologers call it a fixed sign,[2]:88, indicating stability, resistance to change, and the ability to 'enjoy the people'. According to astrologers the sign is governed by Venus, the planet of art, procreation and indulgence, which adds the traits of creativity, sensuality, and appreciation of life's material luxuries. Themoon is also associated with this sign, which it governs by exaltation. The lunar-association is considered to denote emotional depth and highlights further the fertility significations of Venus and this, the 'earth-sign' of spring.
Astrologers classify Taurus as a negative orpassive (introvert) sign.[3] This gives the characteristics of being reflective, receptive to the ideas of others: typically, a 'thinker' rather than a 'doer'. But being of the earth-triplicity, Taurus is considered by astrologers to be a highly practical sign which is happiest when involved in some kind of creative process. Although generally considered easy-going and placid, as a fixed sign Taurus is renowned for being stubborn. Taureans are likened to the bull in being slow to show anger, but capable of raging if pushed too far. And they take time to eventually act on their anger and basically when they (Taureans) do, be rattled, because there's no telling what they'll unleash upon you.[4]:17 It is also said Taureans enjoy basic 'creative comforts' and don't allow others to disturb them easily, but they don't forgive and forget easily. 

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