



Maybe in 7 or 8 years later..

Monday, April 04, 2011 § 0

my future house would be have a roof and back-sight view  like this.. (rumah gadang)
from the entrance gate will be a way (tunnel-way) is made ​​from jasmine-shaped like a roof, 
on the right and left of the road planted pine tree

i'll prefer have a wide garden.. with a fountain made from nature stone, a cherries, mangoes tree and a liliac or orchid that made like a gate .. a roof for small swing-toys
And the front of the house will have a 'pendapa'  which have Javanese ornaments.. used for training a Javanese traditional dance or it will just being a place for gathering, playing, any-activities need in open air

I'll have a house with a blend of Indonesian ornaments are "brown"but comfortable. will definitely be a lot of wood .. floor would bemade ​​of wood, also a black marble stone.
in the middle of the house .. maybe there will be a small parkcovering an area of ​​4x3 meters only .. there is a bird cageturtledove, or if lucky I can have a bird of paradise or peacocks.

can't hardly wait when i could use the AcDsee or 3Dmax.. I'll show you what's my traditional house would be mixed by unique but simple creation!

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