



I'm in a COLD ALLERGIC ?? -noway-/argkhh/

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 § 0

the only way to fight off the allergic reaction was to take an antihistamine before going outside. I was wondering if that was the only course of prevention, or if there was some other way.
Read more: http://www.drgreene.com/qa/cold-allergies-and-what-can-be-done-about-them#ixzz12ptmCVJS
this night, it was going weird when i felt it, but rightly I'm sure that it was cold allergic.. really made me frustrated!
itchy red bumps appear.. i got my medicine, but unfortunately, i drank 2 cup of milk.
huhu... the milk should be made it balance and causes no reaction from the medicine
i just drank the tablet in the morning.
i won't get it again, i had to be survived ! how can i go to German or other sub-tropic area when a got a cold allergic in my body???

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