



Perisai Diri _ History

Saturday, June 13, 2009 § 1

perisai diri,

Originally written by Suherdjoko, a writer for The Jakarta Post and a Pendekar Muda in Perisai Arts.

A student suddenly just surprised when I saw a picture book in the martial attitude in one of the book shop shelves Gunung Agung, the right hand corner of the north perempatan Tugu, four road corner in the Sudirman-Jalan Diponegoro - Jl Sangaji AM - and Prince Street Mangkubumi, Yogyakarta. Book store that, in the year 1977 is the only one of the largest and it is in the City of Students. Now (in 2008) book store is no more.

Pain tahunya want to encourage it to open the page for the book page. There, in the book that dipegangnya, clearly visible with a variety of images every movement in the martial description language that is easily understood. Photos terpampang is so simple with a single view, the reader will know what is and is dimaui with the movement.

That's movements silat martial. The book was as if a moment reveals thorough knowledge of silat by many universities at that time considered to be highly secret and taboo to be people other than students.

However, in the shops, in the year 1977; not only one moment that dideretkan in the rack. There are several other books, entitled, such as Birds heron, bird Garuda, and relax. Pendekar who dare to violate the traditions of college silat is taboo?

He Raden Mas Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo - which was then known as hail or Dirdjo Pak Pak Dhe - a patrician's palace Pakualaman Yogyakarta, the son of Raden Mas Soerdirdjo Paku.

Pak-lah Dirdjo Pendekar menobrak that tradition is taboo. He deliberately write science diramunya silat which is called and then the flow of Silat Perisai Arts. In the book, complete with photos of silat movement techniques and sold to the public in 1976. Only one aim: silat martial seeks to introduce area-width.

He do that to prove that science is silat cultural heritage of India that can compete with other foreign martial knowledge that comes from Japan, Korea, China and the mare is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Silat must be developed and loved by the nation of Indonesia. Do not grow up because it does not silat terkungkung tradition and taboo ketradisionalannya.

Pak Dirdjo efforts that produce results. Arts Silat Perisai eventually not only developed in villages, but have penetrated to the college-campus universities, and schools. Silat Perisai Arts has been able to change society's view of silat which is considered "plebeian" to silat "kampusan".

Perisai Up as the university noted that the silat championship between universities in Indonesia since 1975. After that routinely Perisai Arts championship for the national inter-university. And until 2004, Perisai Arts has conducted a national silat championship Perisai Up to the 23-time!

Going away

Dirdjo Pak, who was born on 8 January 1913 had already seen a standout talent in the martial kemahirannya silat at the age child. At the age of 9 years, for example, he has been able to master the science of silat taught in an environment Paku Alaman even afford the train silat colleagues sepermainannya.

Pak Dirdjo seems that the small Soebandiman or Bandiman called by colleagues, not satisfied with the knowledge of silat ditelah didapatkannya in the environment of the palace wall Paku Alaman that. Once complete HIK (Hollands Inlandsche Kweekchool - schools at the Junior High School faculty teachers at that time) in Yogyakarta, Pak Dirdjo aged 16 years began to wander to expand their life experiences.

Pak Dirdjo melangkahkan feet to the East. He was the Jombang in East Java. There he was to act, Mr. Hasan Basri silat in science, learning science and religious knowledge and other sugar cane in Pondok IRENG. To pay for the purpose of his life, he worked at the Sugar Peterongan.

After feeling quite act in Jombang, he melangkahkan feet to the West to the city of Solo in Central Java. In the town to act like he was Mr. Sayid Sahab in the field of science silat. In addition, it also complements the knowledge to act with self Ki Her grandfather Jogosurasmo.

Youth Soebandiman this has not been satisfied mereguk science. He returned to the act that Mr. Soegito beraliran Silat Setia Saudara (SS). Pain keingintahuan a great knowledge on the martial youth are still not satisfied with what he has had. Soebandiman alias Pak Dirjo young forward is to act Pondok Randu scissors in Semarang, he was still to complete the science silatnya Kuningan area in Cirebon, West Java. All knowledge is processed and didapatnya fuse in itself.

After feeling quite, young adults who have lived in this Banyumas and establish university silat Eka Kalbu (Eka means one heart). In the world among experts in the martial Banyumas, this young man met with a temperature of Chinese nation, Yap Kie San, a martial beraliran Sie Siauw Liem.

Once again, the youth who are thirsty of knowledge and to act Yap Kie San. During the 14 years this young man to act Yap Kie San. There are six brothers perguruannya who survive long diasuh by Yap Kie San temperature. Four is the Chinese nation, and the other two from the Pak Broto Sutarjo, and Pak Dirdjo.

In the perguruannya, the temperature Yap Kie San Pak Dirdjo rate as a talented young man. Temperature Yap Kie San compliment Pak Dirdjo pair sword as symbol beloved teacher to students terkasihnya.

Bath saying a word, far, far away birds will fly back to the nest; similarly Dirdjo Pak. He eventually returned to Yogyakarta. In the City of Culture this Pak Dirdjo silat knowledge required to teach students in the Park, a school founded by leaders of national education Ki Hadjar Dewantoro who is also uncle.

Pak Dirdjo not so long to teach Silat in Taman Siswa, because he must work in the Sugar Plered also in the area of Yogyakarta. Sugar factory in this position he occupied Magazie Meester.

Then in 1947-1948, thanks to help from Mr. Djumali who worked at the Ministry of Education Yogyakarta, Pak Dirdjo was a civil servant in the environment of the Department of Education and Culture Section at the Pencak Silat. With the silat mission to develop, and teach Pak Dirdjo Student Cultural Association (a unit of the student of Gadjah Mada University). Clearly, only the student is the student of Gadjah Mada University in the early-early on campus. Pak Dirdjo course also opened offices in silat.

Some students Pak Dirdjo mare is like Mas Dalmono (Ir Dalmono - latest news and then he learned to work in Russia), Mas Hadi Suyono (Prof. DR Suyono Hadi - has died, and worked as a doctor and lecturer the University of Padjadjaran Bandung), and Mas Bambang Moediono alias Mas Whook.

When the year 1953 Pak Dirdjo start to move to Surabaya related to the duties as civil servants in the East Java Office Cultural Affairs Pencak Silat, the students in Yogyakarta who practice in and outside UGM UGM be joined in one case called Himpunan Enthusiasts Pencak Silat Indonesia ( HPPSI) with diketuai by Mas Dalmono.

Meanwhile, in Surabaya, Pak Dirdjo back in silat develop science courses at the institution silat. New on July 2, 1955, Pak Pak Imam Dirdjo assisted Ramelan officially named silat that is taught with the name Perisai Arts. The students in Yogyakarta also then adjust them as the collective name Silat Perisai Arts.

On the other hand, universities Eka Kalbu that was founded by Mr. Dirdjo naturally students are still in touch with the Pak Dirdjo. They were scattered in the area Banyumas, Purworejo, and Yogyakarta. But the university and this is not developed, but the fuse itself to Perisai Arts, the same as HPPSI in Yogyakarta. One teacher made the dissolution to be easy this university.

Pak students Dirdjo Perisai Up before the name appears up to now (year 2008) is still alive. Their age ranged from 65 years to 70 years and is still found in the area of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas.

All Perisai Arts silat techniques written in the language of a standard. Things that make it easier Perisai Arts received by the educated as students. Writing skills in standard English should be recognized as an actual step forward compared to retired university that still berkutat with the origin of language instruction is growing.

Even with the nasionalismenya, Perisai Arts finally be accepted in all the diverse ethnic, religious, and social strata. Can be learned by all the Indonesian people who live in the 17,000 islands.

Motto Perisai Up "Pandai Bersilat Without Injury" which also means clever martial without injury, making the creation of martial Dirdjo Pak can be understood with logic. Martial lovers will understand that an expert martial dicederai really difficult for the opponent. Can also mean that in practice it will not be any injury from their own mistakes.

Element of speed in a strangle martial Dirdjo Pak. He requires that the students were able to conduct at least two movements silat movement in one second. Movement that can be attacks, hindaran, refusal, felling, or blend the elements. Be Up Shield creates style silat movement TWO SINGLE sec.

A second two-term movement is considered to be trivial by many lovers and Silat Pendekar. However, the more they see the many who start the match silat held since 1970s, the Silat Pendekar habitue and other martial understand the mystery of the words "one two-second movement" is. Only an expert martial nan piawai are able to move as quickly as that.

Meanwhile, recognized or not, the names Perisai Arts silat techniques already adopted in the present stage persilatan. Term crescent kick, then kick Q (see TE), and even wipe; for example, has become evident that the desire Pak Dirdjo realized. The term is used in the world persilatan. If then there are some universities appear to use new techniques Perisai Arts, itupun never dipermasalahkan. Perhaps, the students also Dirdjo Pak - as far as one without them - now have many more relatives to absorb science education because the same name with a different university.

There are 19 kinds of empty hand technique which is called in the original technique Perisai Up Timuran such as Java, Minangkabau, Betawen, Cimande, Mliwis Birds, Birds heron, Garuda Birds, Horses Kuningan, Lingsang, tiger, Naga, Forest Satria, Satria, Priest, daughter Bersedia , prayer daughter, Putri titivate, and Putri Teratai.

Not only empty hand techniques, students are taught a variety of weapons ranging from knives, swords, Toya, throwing weapons, until the development of weapons such as the chain, whip, spear, and others.

Pak Dirdjo always to instruct students that the science must be silat way uphill and shin, not the jump. To understand it requires knowledge of silat, diligence, sincerity, and discipline.

Pak Dirdjo died age 70 years, the ditunggui students in Surabaya on 9 May 1983. In the year 1986, he obtained a degree from Pendekar Purna Main Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Pak Dirdjo intention to develop silat also finally achieved. Although he can not enjoy the triumph of students in the silat martial arena, but surely the techniques have been Perisai Up ciptaannya rule in some of the international silat.

Names such as Joko Widodo, Herina (origin of Yogyakarta), Tony Widya (Jakarta), Tri Wahyuni (Malang), Wadiah (Mataram), Suryanto, Samiaji (Bandung), A Triya (Surabaya), able to thwart the sinister international championship pencak silat since the international championship was held in 1987 until 1995.

Fragrancy name still dilanggengkan Up Shield by pesilat Made Arya Damayanti, Ayu Ariati, Ni Nyoman Suparniti, and I Nyoman Yamadhiputra (Bali) in the period 1995 - 2005. National arena to explore their world with Up with the technique Perisai obtain a gold medal.

Pendekar housebreaker taboo tradition, she also finally able to convince people such as Europe Netherlands (1970), Germany (1983), the UK, Switzerland (1999), Hungary, Australia (1979), United States (2000), Thailand (1995), Philippines (1995), and even Japan (1996) to learn Silat Perisai Arts. Silat easily accepted, can dilogika. Silat is the world.

Again, outside of India, Pak students Dirdjo in Europe, America, Australia and is able to show that the typical martial Indonesia is able to put in benderanya inter-flow contention martial there.

Not surprisingly, if the flow of writers such as martial Donn F Draeger write Silat Perisai Arts in his book The Weapons and Fighting Arts of Indonesia in 1972. But he has not been satisfied. If in the first book he wrote some college-style Pencak Silat in Indonesia, then peel it back in for more silat Perisai Arts in both the book entitled: Javanese Silat: The Fighting Art of Perisai Arts in 1978.

Explanations are accompanied by detailed evidence of the practice in bersilat shown Pak Dirdjo make Draeger a crumpled-knee acknowledge that the Arts are eligible Perisai get a special place. Photos Pak Dirdjo in bersilat accompanied the students in Surabaya meet both the book page.

No over-time if he is called God, the number of students who are in Indonesia and some countries have reached 50,000 so that more places Perisai Arts as one of the great universities of the 800 tertiary silat in Indonesia. (***)


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